Chilliwack Adventist Christian School

CACS reflects Jesus by: loving, serving, and being thoughtful

Our Philosophy of Education

God, the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe, is the Source of knowledge and wisdom.  In His image, God created man perfect.  Because of sin, man lost his original estate.  Christian education encompasses the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers, as well as perfecting faith in Christ.  True education involves the following:


  • Restores in man the image of his Maker

  • Nurtures in man an intelligent dedication to the work of God on earth

  • Develops in man a practical preparation for conscientious service to his fellow man

  • Prepares him for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come.

We accept divine revelation as the guiding principle of our philosophy of education.  We believe that teachers are servants of God, and that students are children of God.  We operate our school to ensure that our youth may receive a balanced physical, mental, moral and social education in harmony with Christian standards and ideals with God as the source of all moral value and truth.


  1. To present and foster, by word and action, the characteristics of God that Seventh-day Adventists most cherish – His wisdom and His love as displayed in creative and redemptive works.

  2. To encourage the development of personal values based on God’s Word and the student’s own clear thinking that will give him or her opportunity to appreciate and practice the Christian way of life.

  3. To develop within students a sense of their self-worth, setting achievable goals based on their abilities.

  4. To foster the development of independent decision-making based on presenting the value of self-discipline and the realization of the importance of considering the spiritual and physical needs of others.

  5. To help students appreciate the value of working cooperatively, allowing each student to reach his full learning potential.

  6. To provide students with information relating to the use of harmful substances and the benefits of a temperate lifestyle and motivate the student to care for their physical self.

  7. To present Christ as each child’s goal for excellence in all activities, including recreation.

  8. To teach the students that God values them as a person and is ready to help in all situations.

  9. To view our school as an extension of the Christian home centered on Christ.